Wednesday, February 28, 2018

D is for DUH…

Gotta love that word—DUH.  It says so much!  It emotes!  Sarcasm—fun—disdain—anything a person wants!  What an absolutely GREAT word!
I love seeing the word in comments on Facebook and Twitter.  I love seeing the facial expressions that come with the word in one-on-one and personal conversations.  They can be hilarious or completely devastating, depending on the conversation and those involved.  The body language is obvious with the utterance of that one little word—duh.
A few personal examples are in order here to see how this small word  operates on both the one using it and the recipient of same.  Just today, I was learning the lingo necessary to manipulate my computer to make it work for me and not have me ready to destroy it violently.  My mentor was trying to explain the different avenues of using the computer with mastery rather than me being its slave and suddenly, I realized it was computer language I did not grasp.  Well, duh!  My embarrassment at my ignorance was much easier to tolerate with a “duh” than even a shake of the head at me and it became a point to enjoy with laughter and camaraderie.  With the dawning or breaking of light into my density with a “duh” I could move on.  And laugh and enjoy it.
Another instance that struck me as the perfect insertion of “duh” was when I read a post on Facebook where people were beginning to realize that the new federal budget wasn’t really benefitting them but rather the upper wealthy and elite corporations.  “Duh!”  You could hear the sarcasm in that tiny written word as a comment.
I have heard and seen that word say so much.  Two kids are arguing over who gets “the bigger half” of the candy bar while a third tells them if they split it in half, both pieces are equal and then proceeds to divide it in half.    The two arguing examine the pieces and say, “Wow!  The pieces are the same size!”  The third simply looks at them and says, “Duh.”  Uh-oh.  Ouch that hurt!
Want to end a debate?  Have someone make their point as you realize you didn’t do all your research nor have all the facts and hear that awful—duh—as you have to concede to being outdone.  Hmmm.  Again, ouch.
Or on a much more serious note, it has been one rough day, week, month.  Nothing has gone right, no one cares, you are so far in your own darkness you can’t even find shadows of light, but a friend says, “I still care no matter what,” and sits there, just loving you without reason, or explanation needed.  You say no one cares or loves you.  You look at them and to yourself, you say—duh.  Here beside you is love and caring in that true friend.
DUH is a teaching word.  Hearing it, you take away what you need to learn.  It can embarrass you into acknowledgment.  It can push you into seeing things unseen before.  It can offer warmth and acceptance.  And most importantly, it can foster both enlightenment and love.  Use your duhs wisely.  Remember, it is a powerful little word.  

Got that?  Duh…

1 comment:

  1. I love your examples, Judy. And your final paragraph says it all. Thank you! xoA
