Friday, May 5, 2017


Get ready!  This is going to be fun!  Webster’s New World College Dictionary states the word “utopia” means: n. 1. a place of ideal perfection esp. in laws, government, and social conditions.  2. an impractical scheme for social improvement.
I have to admit I chuckled that even the dictionary showed bias by calling utopiaan impractical scheme…”.  And my response?  Why?  What makes it impractical and a scheme?  This, folks, is where the fun begins!
If utopia is a place of ideal perfection, I say let’s create such a place!  Now, I have never been off the continent of North America except to go to Hawaii, but that is a part of the United States, so obviously I am not a world traveler.  I travel through books and documentaries I can watch to see the rest of the world.  I also absolutely sit raptly listening to friends who are fortunate enough to travel the world and try to create visions of the places they have been to and seen in my own mind.  I realize it isn’t like being there, but oh how I enjoy their still pictures of where they have been and the tales they tell of what they saw and experienced!  And it’s close enough for me.  However, the one place I have been, Hawaii, made me think of it as the closest I would ever be to ideal perfection.  I got to go in 1971, and it was wonderful.  I am aware that it, too, has its imperfections, but to me they were so minor that I thought of it as Utopia.  Now, some 46 years later, I dream of going back some day.  And I entertain the idea of a utopia right here, where I live, and throw it out there to all of you.
Really, now.  Wouldn’t it be great if a bunch of us got together to create a Utopia rather than just focusing on making it day to day, week to week, month to month, and year to year?  We could combine resources, buy up a lot of land, and after making sure each person living on the land was sufficiently provided for, fulfill the first definition given for utopia.  We could set up laws that were agreed upon to protect and serve all of us.  Of course, when any group of humans get together, there will be differing opinions, but if everyone is concerned about fairness and justice, the differences could be set aside to benefit all.  Sort of like what the founding fathers did in establishing the constitution and laws of the United States.  Then we could start on a government that was fair and just for all.  Each person would have a voice and be responsible for decisions made.  Money and partisanship would have to be discarded so that equality would prevail.  I know, an idealistic venture, but one well worth the time and effort.  If these two goals could be accomplished, the third goal of ideal social conditions would naturally follow.  If we passed the laws and established a government, both based on fair and equal justice, then socially we would entertain the same basis for ideal social conditions!  See?  Seems feasible, doesn’t it?
However, if we deem Utopia to be impractical and a scheme, we are prejudicing ourselves against our goals.  So we will have to   drop definition 2.  Sorry Webster.  So what  would our Utopia be like?  And how could we make it a reality?  How about everyone working together?  That seems plausible.  Each person working toward making sure it is working for all the populace would be a good start.  We might also need to toss in some understanding, compassion, and sincere, heartfelt empathy.  Out of this should come kindness, and a sense of mutual respect.
Another benefit of Utopia would be encouragement of creativity and broadening of minds with new and innovative thinking, a sense of creativity in itself.  (Oh, isn’t this getting good?)  Then we capitalize on each person’s uniqueness and talents and foster growth in that way, too!  With only ten people, we would have ten separate and unique skills and gifts to work with!  We could pool mental resources, creative minds, and practical minds and THRIVE!  More people—more ideas!
I dream of Utopia and the wealth of good feelings, generosity of spirit as we care for ourselves and each other, communication that allows reasoning and advancement, and human beings connecting with each other!  Wow!  No ulcers, not hate, no stress related diseases and illnesses.  And if someone should be ill, more compassion, more kindness, more understanding and loving support!
We all have options and choices.  We all choose whether or not we create a utopia or a chaotic war zone around ourselves and in ourselves.  My truth is that Utopia can exist within us, around us, and is neither impractical  nor a scheme.  So I will practice for the utopia I desire by starting where I am with future goals always there to be reached for and gained!  


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